By donating to our club, you are contributing to your local community.
Other than International causes, ALL of the money raised by Dartford Lions Club is used within the local community.
Thanks to the generosity of people like you, we have managed to better the lives of thousands of individuals throughout the local area.
The support of our residents is vital to keep Dartford Lions Club running – we CANNOT thank you enough!
These would be given to a family or individual who needs them.
Through Lions Clubs International, these would be sent across the world to countries who have a need for them.
Groups can contact us and ask for various types of support.
Through our network, we can point you in the right direction for the support you need.
This is a small plastic bottle given to residents for FREE, its used to keep a list your medicines etc for paramedics reference.
Dartford Lions Club – Only As Good As Our Supporters!
Every donation you give makes a difference to the lives of those who live nearby.