Here at Dartford Lions Club, we are pleased to be part of a project run by Chichester Lions Club, for recycling unwanted spectacles.
Each year approx 300,000 unwanted spectacles are processed by Medico France, we are pleased to learn that upto 50% of them are donated through Lions Clubs International. Once processed, these spectacles are distributed through eye camps to those who need them most, the countries where they have been sent in the past include, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Nigeria and Nepal.

In recent years, our club president, Lion Ragbhir Sandhu, has had the pleasure of visiting and addressing a gathering of approx 400+ people in India at an Eye Camp run by Lions Clubs International. Upon his return to the club he said, ” The Eye Camp in Adampur, Jalandar, Punjab India was a very well run facility at which people of all ages had the option of having free eye tests. After the test, those who needed glasses or medical treatment were facilitated free of any charge to the patient. In countries such as India, sadly there is a vast amount of the population below the poverty line, often they cannot afford basic healthcare, treatment or medicines. As a Lion myself, seeing the difference the eye camp was making to people’s lives was in my opinion a very personally satisfying opportunity. The unwanted spectacles is just one of the many projects run by Lions Clubs throughout the world and it’s vital for this good work to continue to better the lives of the less privileged.”
So before you bin your unwanted spectacles, please contact Dartford Lions Club and we can advise you of your nearest drop off location (only glasses, no cases please).